Return Policy

Curl Bar accepts returns of unused products with seven days of recieveing the item(s) if they are faulty or damaged. We offer free return shipping within 7 days of purchase. You can choose to exchange the product or return it for store credit only. You cannot get a refund to your original payment!

If the returned items have visible sign of usage, your return will not be eligible for a refund or exchange.

Please note that there are exceptions to our return policy stated below: Discounted items cannot be returned for a refund nor exchanged.

To return a purchased item, follow the steps below:

  1. Fill out our exchange form on our website. Make sure to include your order number and state which items you would like to return for credit or exchange. Provide pictures for a higher chance of approval
  2. We will email you back a confirmation (approval/denial) within 48 hours.
  3. Make sure the items you’re returning do not have any visible signs of usage.
  4. Package the products into their original packaging.
  5. Put the products into shipment packaging and label it.
  6. Bring your package to the post or order a free pick-up from your location.

We will process your return as credit or exchange within 10 days of receiving it and items will be assessed whether or not they are eligible for refund. If your return products are accepted, you will get the refund as store credit within 14 to 30 days of the return.